Cologne Imperial Town by the Rhine

Experience the over 2.000-year-long history of the Rhine metropolis.

Code: 24YG-2024

überland service

  • 2 nights B&B in shared rooms with shower/WC, bunk beds, bed linen included
  • Guided tour through medieval Cologne
  • Admission to Cologne Cathedral incl. audio guide
  • Admission to the Cologne Chocolate Museum


Day 1: Chocolate Museum

Mmh... so good! Follow the tracks of bitter cocoa beans on their way to fine chocolate at the Cologne Chocolate Museum, then try the brown gold yourself at the 3-metre chocolate fountain.

Day 2: Sightseeing Tour - Cologne Cathedral

What do Romans have to do with Cologne? Find out at today’s sightseeing tour, after which you pay a visit to the colossal Cologne Cathedral.

Day 3: Departure

After breakfast, you will be on your way home.

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